
Showing posts from 2017

The God who loves....

  Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love.  1 John 4:8 God is love. Something we do not think about very often, a phrase such as "I love you" can lose its significance. But God's love is everlasting; a love that surpasses human understanding. A love that forgives, a life that is kind, a love that showed the greatest sacrifice: Where He sent Jesus. the lion and the lamb to save the world from itself. Now think about love as something a child possesses; a child no matter what you do will love and forgive instantly regardless of the circumstance. We have to think of God's love in this way, a love that is kind and covers a multitude of sins. In saying this we must value the love God has for us, just like a love of a child that is unconditional; a love that asks for nothing in return. We must also extend this Godly love to everyone around us, it is not just reserved for family and close friends, but for the lost and for the broken as w

When God's Whisper is louder than the enemy's voice.

Image After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 1 Kings 19:12 Many times we expect God to be loud, boisterous, and heavy against the enemy. That is what we expect when we think of God and His almighty power. We especially expect it when everything else seems to be louder than God's voice when we are in tough situation. But have we ever thought to listen to the Lord's whisper , His whisper is louder than any voice of disappointment, voice of depression, and any mental or physical battle that any one of us are going through. The story that is presented in 1 Kings chapter 19, shows us that we must listen to God's whisper. Elijah knew too well to listen to the whisper, instead of the earthquakes, the fires, the great wind. Elijah even though he was hiding from Ahab, he still knew how to drown out the loudness and pay attention to God's whispe

Let Jesus Find you at your moment...

Image  Moments of desperation, moments of despair, moments of disappointment, and moments that don't make sense. I want to tell you today my dear reader, that Jesus Christ wants to meet you a your moment. Whatever that moment might be, there is a divine appointment with you and Jesus. He has His hand stretched out for you if you are believer or not. Jesus wants to meet you at your moment. There are many instances in the Word that shows those moments, those moments that don't make sense. Like the moment God called Moses using a burning bush, or the moment He called out Abram from his father's lands. Many instances, but I want to talk about one in particular; the story is about the Samaritan woman in John 4. Her name is never mentioned but that moment was so important and so powerful it had to be recorded in the book of John. The story is about Jesus and this Samaritan woman, now if we

Rising above it all... with God

    This hits close to home, I am sure many of you this topic hits close to home. A betrayal from a good friend, a loss of a job, or something personal that hits you hard every time you think about it. Well on this post let's talk about rising above. But not only rising above it all, but doing it with the strength of the Lord. The Holy Spirit guiding us to go above the storm just like the eagle when it spreads its wings.  The eagle is a majestic creature that spreads its wings and lets the wind carry it above the storm. Now picture yourself like that eagle, rising above that storm; letting the wind take you as you spread your wings. Fly above the the storm my friends, because God is holding you in His right hand. He is sustaining you in all of your troubles, in all of your trials, God is with you and around you, no matter the circumstance. Recently, I had a car accident, incredibly unexpected and totally my fault when it happened. At the time I was more worried about the dr

Surrender and Trust

  Surrender and Trust, The hardest thing a person faces in their daily lives, especially daily lives as Christians, that is the topic of surrendering our all to God and trusting him wholeheartedly. Now many times we believe we can do things on our own, devise our own plans for our lives, which has truth to it. The Lord gave is free will to choose our own path and make our own decisions. We can choose to go left, but that does not necessarily mean that we are going on the path that God wants to go on. This where the topic of surrender trust comes from, from my own experiences and conversations with a very good friend and sister of mine in Christ. She is a student of University of Central Florida, which I have recently graduated form, this post is going to relate to a conversation that we had about our paths through school. There was a point we were at work and she was trying to plan out what she wanted to study. But there had to be so many obstacles that first semester for her, th

Finding External Peace through Internal Healing

    " And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:7 , NIV Take that verse in for a moment, meditate on it for a few minutes, let God's power of peace come over you as you meditate on this verse. There is a peace that goes beyond all human understanding! Read the verse one more time, let it sink in with your spirit. Now there are many books, other blogs that want to talk about internal peace. There is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary everyone should look for that internal peace. But the peace I want to talk about involves a search of external peace. A topic that I have not seen anywhere that I can think of, but I am pretty sure I can find a few things about this particular subject. But where I want to go with this is to find that external peace in God to have that internal healing. A Holy Spirit external peace that leads to a lifetime of internal healing. You see, peace and h

Overcoming Fear and Trusting the Lord

     Fear , one of those words that is not mentioned in constant conversations. Fear more of a semblance of emotion than just a word spoken in a sermon or on a page in a book. There have been many topics on fear and overcoming the deceitfulness of fear, but I want to go through my experience with overcoming fear and giving my complete trust to the Lord. I believe the biggest fear that grips every one of us is always the fear of the unknown, but I want to say to you brothers and sisters we do not have to fear the unknown. A verse has been resonating in my spirit and has stirred my confidence and trust in the Lord.  1 John Chapter 4 verse 18: " There is no fear in love; but perfect love drives out  fear: because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."  NIV Now, let's look at the word again  "Fear" , what does that word make you think about? Was there something that caused fear in your life that you have not been able