Overcoming Fear and Trusting the Lord

     Fear, one of those words that is not mentioned in constant conversations. Fear more of a semblance of emotion than just a word spoken in a sermon or on a page in a book. There have been many topics on fear and overcoming the deceitfulness of fear, but I want to go through my experience with overcoming fear and giving my complete trust to the Lord.

I believe the biggest fear that grips every one of us is always the fear of the unknown, but I want to say to you brothers and sisters we do not have to fear the unknown. A verse has been resonating in my spirit and has stirred my confidence and trust in the Lord.
 1 John Chapter 4 verse 18:

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love drives out  fear: because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."  NIV

Now, let's look at the word again  "Fear", what does that word make you think about? Was there something that caused fear in your life that you have not been able to move past something? And if so you don't have to be ashamed of that

Let me tell you a little story of what I feared as a kid. When I was younger to about maybe 10 years old, I was afraid of the dark. I had to have a night light turned on every night. Then one night my night light went out. I woke up and realized I was staring into an abyss of darkness, I let fear take over my mind. But I remember my mother would pray with me every night, and I remembered that God was with me no matter the darkness. So I start to pray so that my fear would go away, an overwhelming power was with me that night and I knew God had taken away my fear of darkness. Because His light was within me and that is all I needed to overcome that fear as a young child.After that night I didn't have to sleep with a night light any longer

 I believe all of us has a fear that we are willing to overcome, and to overcome that fear we have to learn to trust the Lord. not the easiest of feats to do in a this walk, but one that leads us even though the darkness is there, the unknown is there, trusting the Lord to help you overcome that fear and knowing that we have His perfect love, which drives out all fear.

Take that in for  a moment God's love is perfect, and in perfection fear cannot exist, so whenever you feel fear coming, may it be of a specific thing like darkness or just the general fear of not knowing where to go or where the next step my be. Just remember trust the Lord have confidence in Him and He will show you the way.

Many Blessings,
Melissa Meran


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