The God who loves....


Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love.
 1 John 4:8

God is love. Something we do not think about very often, a phrase such as "I love you" can lose its significance. But God's love is everlasting; a love that surpasses human understanding. A love that forgives, a life that is kind, a love that showed the greatest sacrifice: Where He sent Jesus. the lion and the lamb to save the world from itself.

Now think about love as something a child possesses; a child no matter what you do will love and forgive instantly regardless of the circumstance. We have to think of God's love in this way, a love that is kind and covers a multitude of sins. In saying this we must value the love God has for us, just like a love of a child that is unconditional; a love that asks for nothing in return.

We must also extend this Godly love to everyone around us, it is not just reserved for family and close friends, but for the lost and for the broken as well. Love must cover aspects of our lives, we must remind ourselves if God loves us and forgave us for our sins then we must love as well. Even the people that have offended us. I believe the the way to combat and conquer evil is to demonstrate love to all the world. To demonstrate grace to the world, with all that is happening around us let us have an outpouring of God's love and be a reflection of His grace everyday of our lives.

Just remember God is love, he is the God who loves, and loves with great grace, and remember this as well I love you all in the love of Christ and encourage all to do the same.

Many Blessings,

Melissa Meran


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