Surrender and Trust

 Surrender and Trust,

The hardest thing a person faces in their daily lives, especially daily lives as Christians, that is the topic of surrendering our all to God and trusting him wholeheartedly. Now many times we believe we can do things on our own, devise our own plans for our lives, which has truth to it. The Lord gave is free will to choose our own path and make our own decisions. We can choose to go left, but that does not necessarily mean that we are going on the path that God wants to go on. This where the topic of surrender trust comes from, from my own experiences and conversations with a very good friend and sister of mine in Christ.

She is a student of University of Central Florida, which I have recently graduated form, this post is going to relate to a conversation that we had about our paths through school. There was a point we were at work and she was trying to plan out what she wanted to study. But there had to be so many obstacles that first semester for her, that we would have long conversations about it at work. There was one point in the conversation where I just mentioned those words, surrender and trust. There was a point when those words left my mouth that it actually resonated with my spirit. And I mentioned how hard that it is to do for us, just to surrender completely to God give all of our trust to Him, because He has the final word on what our life will hold.

I believe the best representation of complete and total surrender to God is the story of Job. A man that had everything and lost everything to see where his trust lay in. But what strikes me about this story is Job surrendered to God, he not only put his trust in Lord that saves, but was in complete submission to God. Now the word submission, it has gotten a bad reputation for many reasons, but submission here, the one demonstrated by Job was one of obedience and that obedience was derived from love. I believe that love of Job, showed the love of God and His grace in all of Job's trials.

       "Yet if you devote your heart to Him, and stretch out your hands to Him, if you put away the sin that is in your hand and allow no evil to dwell in your tent, then you will lift your face without shame: you will stand firm and without fear."  Job 11: 13-14.

 Now my brothers and sisters, remember this, when there are times when you don't know what to do or what God's plan is just surrender and trust into His almighty hand.

Many Blessings,

Melissa Meran


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