Finding External Peace through Internal Healing

    "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:7, NIV

Take that verse in for a moment, meditate on it for a few minutes, let God's power of peace come over you as you meditate on this verse. There is a peace that goes beyond all human understanding! Read the verse one more time, let it sink in with your spirit. Now there are many books, other blogs that want to talk about internal peace. There is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary everyone should look for that internal peace. But the peace I want to talk about involves a search of external peace. A topic that I have not seen anywhere that I can think of, but I am pretty sure I can find a few things about this particular subject. But where I want to go with this is to find that external peace in God to have that internal healing.

A Holy Spirit external peace that leads to a lifetime of internal healing. You see, peace and healing go hand in hand. You can pray for peace but not be completely healed. You can pray for an internal peace, but the battle scars of life are still there. I want to tell you my friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ, that there is a peace that transcends, goes beyond what our human intellect can fathom.Something further than what we can imagine. I believe external peace can be achieved with internal healing. You might ask, " is there such a thing? External peace?" You may say that is out of the ordinary, but with God nothing is ordinary my friends.

My father passed when I was 14 years old, he had liver cancer something that took him away quickly after arriving at the hospital. I did not understand God's plan at the moment or how I would cope without my father. But let me tell you this, a process of internal healing had to be done, but in order to achieve that in my young 14 year old life, I pursued that external peace.It was not the easiest of journeys, but I found that external peace with the Holy Spirit. It was not something that happened overnight, God's timing is perfect remember that. So in finding that external peace in my own life, I was able to experience internal healing through Jesus Christ, and the through the love and grace of God.

Repeat this prayer:
 Holy Father, I pray that you help me find that external peace, with that external peace I can find internal healing. Only you God and your Holy Spirit can guide me to find that peace that transcends all human understanding. That you are with me in all my trials and process. I love you Lord and thank you for loving me with your grace, In Jesus name we pray amen.

 Many Blessings,

Melissa Meran.


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