Let Jesus Find you at your moment...

Image result for samaritan woman at the well

 Moments of desperation, moments of despair, moments of disappointment, and moments that don't make sense. I want to tell you today my dear reader, that Jesus Christ wants to meet you a your moment. Whatever that moment might be, there is a divine appointment with you and Jesus. He has His hand stretched out for you if you are believer or not. Jesus wants to meet you at your moment.

There are many instances in the Word that shows those moments, those moments that don't make sense. Like the moment God called Moses using a burning bush, or the moment He called out Abram from his father's lands. Many instances, but I want to talk about one in particular; the story is about the Samaritan woman in John 4. Her name is never mentioned but that moment was so important and so powerful it had to be recorded in the book of John. The story is about Jesus and this Samaritan woman, now if we look back in history the Samaritan people were looked downed upon by the Jewish people. But Jesus in that time had to go through Samaria to get to Galilee.

I believe the importance of this story, is that Jesus had to go through Samaria, but it as Jesus stopping at Jacob's well that is impacting is a Samaritan woman comes to draw water from the well. Jesus asks her for water, but she is not into giving in. But the verse that impacts me is this one:

John 4:13-14:

Jesus answered, " Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed the water I give them will be in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." NIV

Jesus answers her in her moment, in her moment of confusion and possible despair. The story goes on of Jesus telling her a bit of her life, which impacted her greatly she went on to spread the gospel of the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus not only answers her in her moment, but also confronts, comforts and meets her at her moment.

I wan to tell you today my friends let Jesus meet you at your moment, be like the Samaritan woman at the well, inquire to Him if you need to, He will give you the answer to the troubles, for His water never runs out, that we shall never thirst again, because He is living water, if He is living water let Him in if you do not know Him. Jesus was brought to this earth to extend the grace and love of God for everyone, it is not only reserved for the righteous but for the sinner as well.

Say this prayer if you want Jesus to meet you at your moment:

 Lord, forgive me for my sins, I want you to meet me at my moment, moments of despair, moments of confusion, and disappointment. That you Jesus Christ may enter my heart and I can finally have salvation. Thank you Lord for love and for your grace. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Many Blessings,

Melissa Meran.


  1. Thank you! Good words. Especially when life is hard and sometimes you just don't know which way to turn. And then we remember. We should always turn to God. He meets us in our pain. I needed these words today. Thank you.


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